Unlocking the Potential of DevOps Outsourcing

6 min readFeb 24, 2023


There are a lot of talks these days about DevOps, and for good reason. It’s a critical process that helps companies ensure their software development process is highly efficient without unnecessary operations and time gaps. But what if your company doesn’t have the resources to staff a full-time DevOps team?

Outsourcing your DevOps functions is the answer. By partnering with a specialist DevOps provider, you can get all the help you need to successfully implement DevOps in your company. This can free up your team to focus on other important tasks and help you meet deadlines and achieve your business goals.

If you’re considering outsourcing your DevOps, this guide will help you get started.

How DevOps can help streamline your software development

DevOps is an approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. By integrating these two teams, DevOps aims to speed up the software development process and shorten the time it takes to get new features and updates into production.

The benefits of implementing DevOps in your organization are undeniable. They are:

1. Increased efficiency. DevOps helps allocate responsibilities between development and operations teams, making the product implementation process faster and with fewer time losses.

2. Reduced downtime. By automating many tasks and using best practices such as continuous integration and deployment, DevOps helps to minimize the chances of system downtime.

3. Improved quality. DevOps integrates testing into the development process to ensure the high quality of code. This leads to fewer defects in the end product and a better user experience.

Benefits of DevOps

So, if you want your workflow to adhere to the best software development practices, DevOps is something you cannot do without.

Why outsource DevOps tasks

The DevOps market is growing rapidly, and the demand for DevOps professionals is high. In fact, DevOps was recently named one of the top 9 hottest jobs in tech. So, it’s no surprise that finding a professional DevOps engineer is challenging.

Given the intense competition in the labor market, DevOps outsourcing is a reasonable solution for companies that want instant access to relevant expertise. Additionally, outsourcing can be a great way to get the help you need without adding more people to your already overworked team and skip long-lasting recruiting.

By outsourcing DevOps tasks to domain experts, you will get the following benefits:

1. Get more done in less time. When you outsource DevOps tasks, you can focus on your core business goals and leave the tedious work to the experts.

2. Save money. By outsourcing, you can get the same high-quality work for a fraction of the cost.

3. Improve your team’s communication and collaboration. By working with external specialists, you’ll have access to experts in DevOps who can help your team learn and improve their processes.

What tech expertise will you get from DevOps outsourcing?

DevOps Services involve a comprehensive set of activities that help organizations adopt and integrate technology expertise into their business operations. The goal is to improve communication and collaboration between Development and Operations teams while automating the software delivery process.

Common DevOps activities include:

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

This will help you establish a practice of making small code changes with frequent commits and automate deployment to different environments. DevOps engineers will set up CI/CD by preparing the necessary scripts and configurations. This will help you reduce the product development and testing time and get faster and more safe releases and updates.

Also, for the majority of software products, DevOps engineers can create automated deployment scripts without downtime. This will allow you to implement updates without turning the server off. The new server will deploy to new nodes while the old server is running. After that, you can switch all requests from the old nodes to the new ones.

CI/CD pipeline

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

This is the process of managing and provisioning infrastructure using code and scripts rather than manual editing of configurations. In other words, IaC is the practice of treating your infrastructure like code that can be managed, versioned, and treated like any other software artifact.

The IaC approach has many benefits, chief among them being that it helps organizations avoid human error while speeding up the deployment process. By codifying your infrastructure, you can automate the entire process from start to finish. This not only saves time and money but also reduces the risk of human error.

Monitoring and logging

By monitoring IT systems, DevOps engineers can catch issues before they become big problems. And by logging development team activities, they can track how changes are affecting the overall system.

At Softensy, we use a variety of DevOps tools for monitoring and logging, such as:

  • Logstash. This tool collects, parses, and stores logs from various sources. It also provides a dashboard for visualizing data trends.
  • Nagios. This tool monitors system health and sends alerts when there are problems. It can be used to monitor everything from network devices to application servers.
  • Splunk. This tool analyzes log data to identify patterns and trends. It also provides reporting and visualization features.


DevSecOps is a combination of development, security, and operations. It’s a way of thinking about how to build and deploy software in a secure way. DevSecOps integrates active security reviews and testing into agile development and DevOps workflows. Thus, you initially build your product on security principles rather than add them to the finished solution.

The primary goal of DevSecOps is to prevent security breaches and protect against attacks. In view of this, the key responsibilities of the DevSecOps team include:

  • developing and enforcing security standards and policies
  • identifying and assessing security risks
  • implementing security controls and measures
  • monitoring and responding to security incidents
  • collaborating with other departments to ensure a holistic approach to security

Release management

Release management is a critical phase of software development and deployment. It involves planning, coordination, and execution of the software release process.

A DevOps engineer in release management is responsible for ensuring that new software and updates are released smoothly and efficiently. They work closely with developers and operations engineers to make sure that all systems are ready for new releases. In short, they’re the go-to experts when it comes to getting software out the door.

If you’re looking to hire a DevOps engineer for your release management team, be sure to look for someone with experience in both development and operations. They should also have a strong understanding of automation tools and be comfortable working in a collaborative environment.

What does DevOps include?

What Types of DevOps services can Softensy provide?

Softensy can provide a wide range of DevOps services, from developing a comprehensive DevOps strategy to full-service management and implementation.

We can help you establish DevOps practices that meet your unique needs and help you execute your digital transformation goals. We can also act as DevOps consultants helping your in-house team set up smooth and efficient DevOps processes.

At softensy, we have experience in helping organizations of all sizes to implement and optimize DevOps practices. So, if you need help in getting the most out of your development and operations, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

This article was originally published at Softensy




Softensy specializes in fintech development and enterprise-level apps. Our team helps companies automate business processes by developing software solutions.